Wildlife Removal and Wildlife Control

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Related Links

On this page you can find links to information on prevention of wildlife issues, means of deterring wildlife, and laws/standards that are associated with wildlife removal, handling and the equipment that can be used.

This link contains all provincial regulation involving wildlife removal.


The Alberta Trapping Association is the voice of Alberta's fur harvesters


This site has information on biology, habitat, identification and prevention ideas.


Any questions you have about wildlife control and humane standards can likely be found here.


The Fur Institute of Canada maintains the standards for humane trapping Canada in conjunction with AIHTS. This organization is funded from many sources including government, fur harvesters, fur farms , and other conservation agencies.

Fur Harvesters Auctions inc. is North America's largest fur auction and opens Canada's wild and ranch fur the world. See what they are about here.


The Miistakis Institute is a leader in beaver research. Providing information on beaver co-existence tools, new techniques, riparian conservation and much more!


How can I find a wildlife control expert near me?

You’re in luck! We are the region’s best wildlife control company. With top-grades and proven results, we are the wildlife control experts you need to call.

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